Josh Knauer
Josh Knauer
Emerging Tech & Business Strategist • Entrepreneur • Speaker • Mentor
Emerging Tech & Business Strategist • Entrepreneur • Speaker • Mentor
Things I've Written
A small sample of some of the articles, reports and chapters of books I've writtenJosh Knauer, May 21, 2020
Advice to business owners about what their businesses need to survive through, and then thrive after, the COVID-19 pandemic. -- Full Article
Josh Knauer, Co-author, 2011
The central messages of this report are two. First, the economic and environmental dimensions of societal wellbeing are both indispensable, as well as tightly intertwined. Second, even as the government is rightly focused on the direct threats to the economic aspects of wellbeing in the form of recession, unemployment, and the stagnation of the standard of living of the middle class, it must not fail to address the threats to both the environmental and the economic aspects of wellbeing that derive from the accelerating degradation of the environmental capital—the Nation’s ecosystems and the biodiversity they contain—from which flow “ecosystem services” underpinning much economic activity as well as public health, safety, and environmental quality. -- Full Report
Josh Knauer, September 2016
Article featured in Fortune -- Full Article
Josh Knauer, October 2015
The TV industry is in the midst of an adjustment period. Between the rise of digital and its impact on TV ad revenue, to streaming and “cord-cutting” alternatives, the industry has faced its fair share of challenges. As networks adjust to the new media landscape, some have embraced data as a lead navigator of this somewhat uncertain terrain. Those that have done so successfully are using this information to not only better understand the landscape, but to generate an intimate comprehension of their audience. Acquiring this knowledge is incredibly powerful and has proved a resourceful tactic as traditional television settles into the digital age. -- Full Article
Josh Knauer, May 2015
We're living in the era of Big Data. We know more about ourselves—our spending patterns, our TV-watching habits, our Web searches, our education levels—than ever before. For marketers, all that information is priceless. A solid understanding of data can help a marketer target niche audiences, sell more products, win new clients, forecast trends, make smart media buys, and do much more. But, before any of that, a marketer needs to understand how to look at and how to present data. -- Full Article
Josh Knauer and Pari Sabety, January 2006
The quiet crisis at the center of the chaos following the natural disasters in the United States in 2005 was a total breakdown of already inadequate local data and information systems. With an army of public and private sector volunteers converging with relief supplies, good information and its real-time exchange were the items in shortest supply. This was especially true in the aftermath of Katrina. Before the system is tested again, it is imperative that we address this critical need. -- Full Article
Information Systems and the Environment - National Academy of Engineering
Josh Knauer and Maurice Rickard (co-authors of one chapter of the book)
A new model of global information sharing has emerged with the rise of the Internet. This new model allows information to be shared by many and among many, leading to a many-to-many distribution pattern rather than the standard broadcast-type distribution in which information goes from one to many. In addition, the construction of the information arises from exchange of information rather than from an imposed hierarchy. This paper discusses the new model and demonstrates its use in the implementation of the EnviroLink Network. -- Link to Chapter
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